Liquid IV & The Benefits of Proper Hydration

The scary truth is 3 out of 4 people are dehydrated, meaning you, right now, as you read this, are probably dehydrated. Between exercise, work, taking care of the kids, chores, and all the million little things I do every day, drinking enough water tends to fall to the wayside. But staying properly hydrated isContinue reading “Liquid IV & The Benefits of Proper Hydration”

Survive the Holidays with your Dietary Restrictions

I recently had an experience where I was writhing in pain, so nauseas I couldn’t eat, and stuck in bed all day. All because I had been eating too many of the foods I’m sensitive too. Recovering from that, I did a fasting-mimicking diet, and having to sit through meals eating something different from everyoneContinue reading “Survive the Holidays with your Dietary Restrictions”

Love Your Scales: The Health and Fitness Tracking Journal – Coming Soon!

I’m excited to announce one of my new projects- the Love Your Scales Health and Fitness Tracking Journal. This is more than just a journal, in its pages we will work on goal setting, planning for success, and how to measure success in ways that will keep you motivated and feeling good. Sign up forContinue reading “Love Your Scales: The Health and Fitness Tracking Journal – Coming Soon!”


He could hear the ticking echo through his ears. When the minute hand moved he felt the stinging in his heart which grew stronger and stronger. He knew he was running out of time. His breath felt like thunder, shaking in his bones. Each step he ran was a race against the hour hand. Tick.Continue reading “Tick-Tock”

The Taste of Heartbreak

The taste of heartbreak on my tongue Is like cherry cough syrup The acid climbing up the walls of my throat Burns Just like your lack of words. Here I am and I gave you my all And for what reason When you can’t be bothered to talk Well I have fallen Now I’m crashin’Continue reading “The Taste of Heartbreak”